(CelebNMusic247-News) Ace Hood Officially Leaving Def Jam
It’s official that Ace Hood has left Def Jam according to Miami rapper, who is currently signed to DJ Khaled‘s We The Best Music via Cash Money Records.
Ace confirmed his departure from Def Jam in an interview with The Breakfast Club. Hood revealed that he has no hard feelings towards his former label.
Ace reveled:
“The situation was over with Def Jam. What I have with them? I had three albums with them. My situation with them was up,”
“We chose to take the label situation to another place, to another home. It’s no knock to Def Jam, shout out to Def Jam. I will always be forever grateful to Def Jam for supporting my career and being there. I’m definitely a lot more happy with the situation I got now, in all honesty, because I’m able to do me. There’s no pressure. Nobody’s calling me, forcing an album on me or forcing this on me. It’s what’s your vision? What do you want to do? We’re willing to do what you want to do.”
Expect to see Ace Hood’s fourth album, Trials & Tribulations, this summer via We The Best.
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