Could Amber Rose’s Instagram Count Against Her???
It’s been reported that Wiz Khalifa is demanding custody of his son while shading his estranged wife Amber Rose so we ask could Amber Rose’s Instagram Count Against Her?
See the drama between Wiz Khalifa and estranged wife Amber Rose has been pretty constant lately, with actions being taken by both parties to hurt the other. Amber has been beefing with Khloe Kardashian on Twitter and her sister Kim has voiced that she’s worried Amber will spill ALL the tea on her husband, Kanye…you know…all those speculations from back in the day.
It appears this is a great time for Wiz Khalifa to gun for more custody of his 1-year-old son, because he believes Amber Rose is a bad mom, according to documents obtained by TMZ.
Here’s the tea, via the legal docs:
We’ve learned Wiz’s camp has put together a laundry list of complaints, including:
— Amber often stays out all night, requiring that relatives and staff take over
— The family dog eats its own feces and then licks Sebastian’s face
— When she wakes up she’ll play with the kid for 15 minutes or so and then disappear
— Amber and her mom have a volatile relationship, laced with “shouting matches and vulgar exchanges,” which upset the boy. And during the arguments the N word was hurled by Amber’s mom. However, Wiz has not filed legal docs to change custody, but we’re told that’s coming … which is why he’s getting relatives and others involved to help him make a case.
In addition to the legal docs, Wiz, the piff-puffin’ rapper wants to amend their previously agreed upon arrangement and significantly increase his custody of their son, Sebastian.
According to TMZ, Wiz’ lawyers will be using several photos of Amber’s disheveled Los Angeles homeas evidence that she is not responsible enough to tend to her residence, much less a young child.
There are stomach-turning pics of dog feces strewn all over the place. Those same feces allegedly serve as “Scooby snacks” for said dog, who then goes and kisses Bash in the mouth.
Another pic shows a sharp knife left irresponsibly on the kitchen counter, although we’re not sure that Bash even reach up that high…
In any event Wizzer thinks these measures will convince a judge to see things his way when the two have their day in court.
Wiz is really goin’ hard to to discredit ol’ girl. She better know those freaky carnival twerk videos are gonna show up in court too.
While Wiz is gathering his arsenal against her, Amber has no shame in her game and if you look at the past year of Amber Rose’s IG, you see she has a series of booty shots, butt floss, and very risque shots that most moms wouldn’t have on social media.
If you think about it, these photos that Amber says “I will is not be taking down the photos” may actually bit her in the booty if a judge uses her Instagram to support Wiz Khalifa’s case.
It may NOT say she’s a bad mom, but how many moms do you know, besides Kim Kardashian post nudes and butt shots on their IG?
We wanna ask this, “Why was Rihanna IG shut down for her tasteful photos and Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose’s IG’s are filled with butt, and risque shots?”
Interesting right?
In the meantime, check the video and photos from Amber’s Instagram:
Amber posted this video below, writing: “#TrinidadandTobagoCarnival #GyalComeWinePonIt”
#TrinidadandTobagoCarnival #GyalComeWinePonIt ???? A video posted by Amber Rose (@amberrose) on
Take a look at our Amber Rose Gallery to see more IG photos:
We understand that Amber Rose’s Brand is about her looks and body, but is it justified that a judge could use this against her?