Floyd Mayweather Witnessed Earl Hayes Murder/Suicide!!!
BREAKING: The death of a TV star and rapper continues as more news surfaces about boxing champ Floyd Mayweather Witnessed Earl Hayes Murder/Suicide on Facetime.
OMG! That is horrible.
CelebNMusic247.com has learned via TMZ that Floyd Mayweather is reeling tonight because he was on FaceTime with one of his best friends when the guy pulled out a gun, shot his wife and then killed himself.
Sources tell us … rapper Earl Hayes called Floyd on FaceTime Monday morning in a rage, over claims his wife — VH1 star Stephanie Moseley — had been unfaithful.
According to our Floyd sources, Earl said he was going to kill his wife. The champ was pleading with him to get a grip … to no avail. Floyd will not say how much he saw, but he acknowledges he was a witness and heard everything.
Floyd is in shock and is having extreme difficulty dealing with the fact that he witnessed a horrifying murder/suicide.
It’s truly sad to think about how happy everyone was in the photo except for Earl, who looked to be a bit detached from the moment. We never know what’s in our loved ones heads in a time of darkness, but we wish they could get help or be able to talk things out so it never leads to murder/suicide.
Life is hard, but it’s what you make it. laugh off the small stuff and all the BS because there are real things to worry and stress over. Love is a strange thing and some people can handle the power of love and heartbreak.
We once again send out our condolences to Mosley and Hayes family and friends.