Little Boots Premieres ‘Taste It’ Video


Little Boots Premieres ‘Taste It‘ Video

British pop artist Little Boots Premieres ‘Taste It’ Video – a seducing and alluring look at consumerism with all the trappings of modern day addictions!

The video first premiered on on Thursday and has your first look at her new stylish and artsy video.

Here is what Little Boots says of the colourful conveyer belt-style promo clip:

“I wanted the video to mirror the lyrics of the song, and comment on some of the trappings of modern day addictions in a fun way.”

“Whether it’s vanity, money, success, escapism, body image, or more abstract notions, “Taste It” is about that feeling of always wanting more even if we know it’s bad for us. I’m really pleased with how this video turned out.”


The video was directed by Ish Sahotay.

Her forthcoming EP “Business Pleasure” is out in North America on December 1st and is the first taste of what’s to come with her third album due 2015.