Mathew Knowles Mistress Taqoya Comes Clean


Mathew Knowles Mistress Taqoya Comes Clean!!!

Mathew Knowles Mistress Taqoya Comes Clean about Beyonce’s father NOT wanting anything to do with another one of his baby mamas children!

In our book, Beyonce’s father has a lot of explaining to do!

But until then, Taqoya Branscomb is painting a picture and it isn’t putting Mr. Knowles in the best of light. Back in September, DNA results proved Mathew Knowles was the father of 4-year-old- Koi Knowles, so her mother Taqoya Branscomb filed for child support.

Toqoya made it rain after a judge ordered Mathew Knowles that he was to pay for his newest daighter Koi. Toqoya has been awarded $1,500 a month in child support.

Earlier this week on Inside Edition Taqoya revealed that Mathew has made it clear he wants nothing to do with his 4-year-old daughter and also cleared up rumors of being arrested for prostitution explaining the strip club where she worked was raided and that the charge was eventually dismissed.

Get this, it was also revealed this week that Mathew Knowles received a 2-year reprieve on child support for his 3-year-old son Nixon after it was determined that he’d previously overpaid. Before that Blue Ivy’s uncle forced Nixon and his mother on to the street. Nixon’s mom was on food stamps before Knowles finally paid up.

It was also revealed that Toqoya is having Koi take singing lessons and readying her to be a singer like her sister.  Koi also wants to meet her big sister Beyonce. There has been no word if Bey will do that or if she wants anything to do with Mathews daughter by another mother.

To be honest, Beyonce is NOT responsible to meet with Koi. She is the daughter of her father which makes her a half sister, but there are many families with illegitimate brothers and sisters, and they NEVER speak.

Thankfully Tina Knowles has moved on and found herself a man she can feel secure with. Tina got engaged this week to longtime boyfriend Richard Lawson.