(CelebNMusic247-News) Jaden Smith Backwards Drop Out of School Message
In a new series of tweets, Will and Jada Smith‘s son is rebelling on all levels telling other young teens to drop out of school
Is Jaden jaded? You might say Jaden Smith is starting to sound completely screwed up, after he took to twitter to encourage America‘s youth to drop out of school because you’ll be more intellegent?
Is Jaden smoking his own hype? Does he forget that he is a privilage teen unlike 90% of American kids who aren’t handed a silver spoon in their mouth. Jaden Smith is already concidered an actor thanks to his father Will Smith who handed him a career as a young boy. He has already been dubbed the new The Karate Kid and has stared in 2 films with his father. But who is to blame and does being famous add more pressure on a you child?
Obviously yes, because Jaden is completely rebelling from his parents million dollar Scientology School they had built to teach kids about the believe at a early stage throughout their whole educational experience. Which might explain why Jaden Smith is claiming that school is all about brainwashing.
Maybe if Jaden went to a real school like most kids and teens he wouldn’t be complaining about being brainwashed. Over the weekend The Karate Kid actor tweeted for two days in a row about education, and how people would be “much more intelligent” if they just dropped out!
Can you believe Jaden Smith Actually Encourages Dropping Out Of School?
Jaden Smith began his series off rebellious tweets on September 5th and continued on throughtout the week on the 9th and continued again on the 12th of September.
Jaden started off saying:
Jaden tweeted out to his 4.5 million followers on Sept. 12, but that was only the beginning of his rant:
Jaden writes:
“School Is The Tool To Brainwash The Youth.”
That same day he added:
“Education Is Rebellion…If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth.”
Well, tell us how you really feel, Jaden!
Jaden Was Brought Up In Non-Traditional Ways by Will and Jada Smith who had a school built teaching Scientology along with education to school attendees.
While he and little sister Willow Smith currently are homeschooled, they actually used to attend the New Village Leadership Academy, founded by parents Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith. The private school taught nontraditional methods of education like study-tech, which is used in scientology. However, after a lack of funding, it was shut down in June 2013.
Here is some insight on Will Smith-Backed School That Used Scientology Materials Closes Its Doors!
Acting on a tip from a parent that was posted over at WhyWeProtest.net, we contacted a former teacher at New Village Leadership Academy to ask if the school in Calabasas, California has shut its doors permanently.
He said that it has, and forwarded us to a Facebook message that was posted on June 28 by Eva Sanchez, who worked at the school: “Today, I closed a beautiful beautiful book full of great people, wonderful memories & endless stories that I will never forget. Tough day!”
We have confirmed directly with a member of the academy’s board of directors that the school has closed down.
The school achieved notoriety for having been supported by generous donations from actor Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, whose children attended classes there (but haven’t for some time). Tax records show that the Smiths also were on the school’s board of directors. New Village Leadership Academy was a non-profit, independent school for kindergarten through sixth grade.
Although the Smiths play down their connection to the Church of Scientology, New Village Leadership Academy made use of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s “study technology,” which is a part of what every church member must learn.
As described in its tax returns, the school took in $1,235,000 from the Smiths’ WJS Trust to get the academy going in 2008. According to press reports, $889,000 of that was used to lease a facility for three years — previously, it had been the site of a public high school, reports TonyOrtega.
Now, he and 12-year-old Willow are homeschooled.
Will and Jada alike have commented that they don’t raise their children the way many others do.
Will told Haute Living magazine in May:
“We respect our children the way we would respect any other person.”
“Things like cleaning up their room. You would never tell a full-grown adult to clean their room, so we don’t tell our kids to clean their rooms.”
Does Will and Jada forget that they’re the people they are today because they went to a normal school which helped them be such strong hard working movie stars?
Sometimes privilage children need weird and off set educational methods, just a good private school, so they can interact with others and get social skills and learn.
Bottom line a 15-year-old holds no authority on teaching other teens to drop out. It is some of the most ignorant things we’ve ever seen on twitter. He needs a good spanking from dad!
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