(CelebNMusic247-News) The 6 Worst Raps
Over the past couple years some celebrities and sports stars thought they could be rappers.
Well we tried to support them, but we have to be honest because if you measure them against real rappers like 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Drake, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross and more they just don’t have what it takes.
And whats worse is they can’t even measure some of the worst biggest hits on air like MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, Marky Mark and and more. We have compiled this list of the worst songs in rap by none rappers.
They’re all talented in sports and acting, but when it comes to rapping the bite!
It’s sad enough the Brian Pumper, who is allegedly LLoyd Banks cousin to Liam Hemsworth ex Miley Cyrus who needs to stay in her lane when it comes to music, because she is whack at rap!
From BET’s The Game star Hosea Chanchez and MTV’s Jersey Star sleaze, The Situation to Britney Spears tragic mistake, Kevin Federline – ALL these songs SUCK!
We kick it off with Bret Lockett, who went for his passion of music during the NFL Lockout. Although it sounds a bit like a weaker version of LL Cool J, Bret serves as great eye candy in the video, but when put against real rap stars he doesn’t make the cut. Sorry Bret, we still love ya though…
Let the decline of music begin!
6. Bret Lockett – “Let’s Go”
5. Hosea Chanchez – “Booty Shots”
4. Brian Pumper “Pumper”:
If you notice the raps get weaker, the songs get worse and the music is like sticking needles in your eyes – The pain OOOOH the pain!
3. Miley Cyrus – “I Deleted My Twitter”:
2. Jersey Shore’s Mike The Situation – “The Situation”
Topping our list is Britney Spears loser of a boyfriend, Kevin Federline who talents are less than the talentless Kim Kardashian and that’s pretty bad.
Kevin’s song is so bad, you might enjoy a group of alley cats screeching on a wall late at night or maybe listen to a record skipping over and over again. This song is pure garbage! Obviously someone was laughing behind KFeds back when they told he was good! And whats worse is he premiere this embarrassment on the Kids Choice Awards a few years back…LOL!
1. Kevin Federline – “Lose Control”
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