Lady Gaga’s Style Transformations


(CelebNMusic247-News) Lady Gaga‘s Style Transformations

In honor of Gaga’s birthday we salute the looks, the style and the fashions!

The “Poker Face” singer never fails to shock us with what she’s wearing, and we love that she isn’t afraid to take risks.

Lady Gaga has over come her postponing her Born this Way tour early on this year and then finding out she needed surgery. Gaga recently she was hospitalized for a hip injury, and even being sued for millions Gaga has overcome and it all, even having a successful hip surgery and recovering in golden style.

Gaga has stunned us from a full on meat dress, to arriving at the Grammy Awards in an egg, Gaga uses her spotlight to take music and fashion to the next level to wardrobe malfunctions.

Born and raised in New York City, Gaga has been influenced by the likes of superstars Michael Jackson and David Bowie. She’s known worldwide for her music, fashion and videos, and makes sure that her presence in the public eye makes a statement.

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