Kelly Price Attacked by Mariah Carey’s Fans on Twitter

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(CelebNMusic247-NewsKelly Price Attacked by Mariah Carey’s Fans on Twitter

Twitter has become a playground of beefs, feuds, rumors and misconstrued information for celebrities, so celebs need to be careful about what they Tweet.

Just about anything can be perceived as shade and disrespect these days, but Kelly Price got a wake up call when she tweeted a cryptic tweet about another singer losing her great voice, and according to Mariah Carey’s fans. And the crazy part is that there was a Mariah Carey concert on TV around the same time Kelly made the comment.

Here’s what Kelly tweeted which started all the drama:


That’s all it took for Mariah fans to attack and attack is what they did!  They went in on Price regarding her weight.  In the midst of all the drama, Kelly made it clear that weight jabs weren’t going to make her feel bad.

She tweets (read from the bottom up):



The drama eventually led to Kelly receiving death threats, and eventually she realized that one of Mariah’s fans mentioned Mariah in the tweet to cause an uproar on the social media site.


After it was all said and done Kelly claims the tweet was not for Mariah and people are reaching, but Mariah’s fans still aren’t buying it.

Spotted @ UrbanBelle

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