Bobby Brown Can’t Hack Rehab

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(CelebNMusic247-News) Bobby Brown Can’t Hack Rehab

On Wednesday, Bobby Brown was in and then out of rehab, since he only stayed 9 hours!

Guess things were too hard in rehab when they asked him to stop his addiction, for real!

Anyways, the disgruntle addict decided that he wanted to be in the luxuries of his own home, so he will be serving his 55-day stint with his family. He has since been fitted with a beautiful non matching electronic ankle bracelet and will serve the remainder of his sentence at home.

To recap once again:

The singer was arrested last year and pleaded no contest to a DUI charge. He was released from jail so quickly because of overcrowding.

According to the Los Angels Times, officials at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department will monitor his movements during the remainder of his sentence.

Although no details have been revealed, those who are fitted with the devices typically are not allowed to travel outside of their homes.

In addition to his “jail” sentence, Brown is required to complete an 18-month alcohol treatment program and must attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings a week.

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