Donald Trump Says Django Unchained Sucks

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(CelebNMusic247-NewsDonald Trump Says Django Unchained Sucks

Donald Trump strikes again!

It seems Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is Trump’s newest victim to gain publicity…

The apprentice mogul elaborated on his tweets on Oscars night, saying that Django “sucked.”

Trump wrote:

“Django Unchained is the most racist movie I have ever seen, it sucked!”

Trump is known for his forthright opinions, even if some often think the billionaire is more than a little misguided. However, the Don may have made a slight mistake, stating that it was racially offensive because lots of people got shot.

Trump told Access Holywood, adding:

“I thought it was totally racist. I thought it wasn’t a good movie.”

“I’ve never seen so many people get hit by a bullet and explode. It was like they got hit by bombs.”

What the heck is Trump talking about? This is utterly ridiculous.

Some criticized Tarantino’s Django for being racist, because it is usually a more nuanced criticism based on the idea that it trivialises slavery.

While, Spike Lee has criticized the movie for its use of the N-word and organisations protested when it emerged that Django Unchained action figures were being sold.

Trump’s criticism is most likely the weakest and utterly most whack amateur criticism of all compared to Lee and real critics!

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