Ann Coulter, Kirstjen Nielsen Disgusting EXCUSE on Zero Tolerance Policy

Ann Coulter, Kirstjen Nielsen Spews FAKE NEWS Zero Tolerance Policy

Ann Coulter is disgusting because she has the audacity to claim that the crying children in the videos are propaganda. The Republican who can’t see past her white breeding defends the Trump administration with the dumbest remark of her career.

Over the years Ann Coulter has not only offended most of us, but she continues to spew falsehoods from her privileged upbringing trying to claim the Trump administration is the right way. Continue on to get PISSED OFF at what she and Kirstjen Nielsen are saying…

First up is Ann Coulter, the blonde haired blue eyed Republican who continues to be a voice for the Republican party. In a new and disgraceful manner, Ann went on record to let us know the FAKE NEWS from the Republicans is alive and kicking.

Ann Coulter goes on Fox News calls crying immigrant children “child actors” and looks directly into the camera to warn Trump not to fall for it.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen gives unapologetic excuse without FACTS!

Meanwhile, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen who has never seen the photos, video or heard the audio continues to defend the Trump administration’s controversial “zero tolerance” border policy.

Here is the #FAKENEWS from Kirstjen Nielsen who claims that “these minors are very well taken care of. Don’t believe the press.”

She goes on to say that when it comes to Mexicans, “illegal actions have and must have consequences, no more free passes, no more get out of jail free cards.” Nielson, another blue-eyed blonde, who looks like she just went skiing on the alps of Switzerland concluded by saying, “if you commit a crime police will take you to jail regardless of whether you have a family.”

What has come of America? We don’t have a President, we have a Tyrant a Dictatorship in office. Trump continues his dictatorship against immigrants.

Both of these women make us sick!

About the author


Pete is a California native who has been in the entertainment industry for 20+ years. He is a journalist who covers music, festivals, events, interviews, movie premieres, sports, reality TV, and more.