(CelebNMusic247 – News) 100 Days of Summer: Pascale ‘It’s All About Me‘
Thursday nights 100 Days of Summer is all about the White Party, but Pascale’s issues with her Chicago past, Vincent’s relationship and Hamidah!
100 Days of Summer week 2 continues with Vince and Lonnie setting up one of the hottest White Parties to Chicago. Vincent has everything set, but Lonnie makes it clear to Vince that her needs to check his girlfriend about being jealous with women he flirts with for business. Lonnie feels she is going to be a problem and she better NOT act up during the “White Party.”
Flip to Pascale and Phillips hunting for the right all white everything dress. Pascale as usual voices her opinion and decided to go against the grain. As for Ray Austin, he too believes they should have a black party, but his girl Hamidah convinces him to where white. As for Jay. he is focusing on his lofts and his project to better the city. He is currently single. His friend Christine and he are getting ready for Vincent’s White Party which is supposed to be a San Tropez theme.
Pascale causes problems for Vincent and Jessica!
Fast forward to the white party, everyone is all dressed in white, enjoying themselves drinking and having a good ole time. While everyone is having fun and dressed to party, Pascale goes against the grain and shows up wearing Navy blue dress. Immediately the claws are out as Pascale gets side eyed by Ray’s lady Hamidah and Vincent’s girlfriend Jessica. The vibe is completely uncomfortable and Hamidah needs to walk away, because she just can’t stand Pascale. Jessica just sticks close to Vincent, making sure she steers clear of him
Jay is the only one bitching, since he is the only gay guy at a straight party complaining about meeting hot women? Confused? No we think Jay just needs to shut up and sit the hell down.
The next day, Vincent and Tara, the former FWB‘s meet for lunch to talk about their jobs, Pascale, Jessica. Tara admits she is insecure and that was the main reason why she could NEVER date a man like Vincent. Later the two talk about her pressuring her boyfriend and his girlfriend pressuring him. He admits he doesn’t want any kids right now.
Later Tara operates on Jay’s dog while he acts like a little lady. Tara does a snip snip and Jay’s dog gets fixed.
Flip to Pascale and her mother working on her new jewelry line. Her mother is a sculpture. The two discuss her frustrations with re-adjusting with her move back to Chicago. Pascale realizes she is not going to please everyone and she is NOT there for anyone’s approval.
Pascale and Hamidah sit down to find some common ground, but the simple sit down turns ugly.
Pascale takes her mom’s advice and at dinner she faces off with Hamidah! The two ladies get into a heated series of words, bashing each others character. She reaches out to Hamidah to meet and work things out.
Like most groups of friends, there is always one who has issues with everyone and there its not worth trying to fix it. They never change and their issues usually grown and get worse with age. Pascale seems to be that one in this group of friends and she is NOT listening to anyone.