Trick Daddy Denies Lil Wayne Beef at KOD

507-Trick Daddy Denies Lil Wayne Beef at KOD1

(CelebNMusic247-NewsTrick Daddy Denies Lil Wayne Beef at KOD

Last month it was RUMORED that Trick Daddy and his entourage had a run with Lil Wayne at the King of Diamonds strip club

Apparently the incident happened right after Wayne’s NBA All Star Weekend tirade against the Miami Heat.

Now Trick Daddy is denying the rumors with a veiled threat, stating he wants to have a face-to-face meeting with Lil Wayne!

Trick Daddy tells TMZ:

“If I [wanted to start s**t with Lil Wayne] he would have been in the hospital for a different reason than a seizure.”

Trick also claims that Wayne has gotten him blacklisted from all of Miami’s A-list strip clubs.

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