(CelebNMusic247) There’s 3 Sides To Every Story: Siohvaughn Wade Alleges Dwyane Wade Abused and Cheated On Her:
Wow, we got a hold of this explosive interview with the Ex-wife of NBA baller Dwyane Wade. Gumbumpers….Siohvaughn Wade– has FINALLY broken her silence on all the things you’ve wanted to know.
Siohvaughn was interviewed by ‘Real Talk With Kietta,’ right here in Chicago. Siohvaughn spoke on Dwyane’s abusive childhood that left him knocking on her mother’s door at 16 and asking for a place to stay, all the way to him getting drafted and her saying he changed after he got money in his pockets.
Gumbumpers, she also claims that he was still intimate with her while dating Gabrielle Union and detailed a time that he abused her while she was pregnant after she questioned him about where he disappeared to in the middle of the night.
Check out the highlights:
On Meeting Dwyane
We met when we in like, the 5th grade.[…]No, I didn’t ‘like’ him then, but we were friends.[…] I think that I probably was 15 or 16-years-old when we actually started dating. I think he was pretty outgoing, very funny and we were friends. Although I was a female and he was a male, I was able to interact with him like one of his male friends, one of the guys. He was loving then, he was very soft-spoken, very humble at that time.
On Dwyane Wade moving in with her mom at age 16
Siohvaughn: When He finally did confide in me what was happening in his home and what happened with his mom — he wasn’t living with her at that time — about drug use and her being in and out of prison, the abuse was pretty bad in his house. One night it had gotten really bad and him and his sister, his younger sister, had came to my home probably at like, 3 o’ clock in the morning and I opened the door and that’s when I had to tell my mom that I knew what was happening in his home and what was going on. I had to explain to her why he was coming to the door at that hour at 16-years-old. I had spoken with my mom and I had asked her is there any way he could stay with us and not have to live in that kind of environment.
Siohvaughn’s Mom:
The night he came to me, he had two black garbage bags and he knocked on the door late at night. He asked me, did I mean what I said when I said that I would never let a kid be out in the street with no place to go. ‘You would never let a kid go hungry and you would always help them if they needed something for school’, and I said yeah, I meant what I said. And he said, ‘Mama, I’m home.’ So I was like, okay.
Siohvaughn On Dwyane Getting Drafted:
I was happy because it was a dream of his. His dreams had somehow became even my own, so I was very happy.[…]I saw him set a goal and I was proud of him. I was happy for him, but when I realized that we had gotten this fortune in exchange for our faith and our family, I was destroyed at that point. It started to get really bad the summer right after he’d been drafted. I was over the phone with him and he had said something to me very, very, angrily, and I had something to him about speaking to me and being disrespectful and he told me, ‘Do you wanna go and live in your mother’s house? ‘Cause that’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna end up back living in your mother’s house.’ I was very shocked. It was a very, very awful feeling. We stayed together but now that I can look back, from that moment it went downhill.
On NBA Husbands/Boyfriends Getting a Pass For Cheating
First I’d like to say that I’m not an NBA wife. I’m not an ex-wife, I’m not a basketball wife, thank God. I finally know who I am and I have my own identity but at that time I certainly was married to him and the game and the lifestyle. I do think that that’s the expectation. Absolutely. You’re seen, but you’re not heard.
Read the FULL interview at Gumbumper…
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