(CelebNMusic247-News) Tahiry Forces Joe To Take Drug Test
Despite the high drama part of the show [Rich Dollaz & Erica Mena] LHHNY dives a little deeper into the world of Joe Budden and his struggles with drug addiction.
Love and Hip Hop was a bit lackluster in an overall sense except for Rich Dollaz and the crazy Erica Mena, so let us give you the dish on what went down.
A couple of episodes back Joe admitted to falling off the wagon and using again. His mother asked for Tahiry to help keep Joe on the right track and clean up his act, so Tahiry showed up at Joe’s to give him a random drug test.
Here’s the drop:
Tahiry ambushes Joe, and he’s not happy to see her until she reveals that she’s brought him a present. When Budden unwraps a drug test, he refuses to take it–he’s not on drugs.
Tahiry warns him that if he doesn’t take it, she won’t be there as his support system anymore. Joe finally agrees if Tahiry will cook for him. They come to a deal where she will cook two dinners and a dessert for him if he’ll just pee in the cup. The test is negative, although Tahiry is a little concerned about how hard it is to see the pink lines that render it negative
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I wonder what the dinner consisted of… probably two chicken wings and a side biscuit (Army Green)
she really care about him though, pimp c