(CelebNMusic247-News) Selena Gomez Sleeps With Waka Flocka And Breaks Up Brick Squad:
MediaTakeOut.com was the FIRST news source in the world to tell you that SOMETHING popped off between Gucci Mane and Selena Gomez while filming their new movie SPRING BREAKERS.
Check the dish from 4UMF:
Well whatever it is, must have been DEEP. Because Selena has got Gucci Man SPRUNGGGG!!!
Last week Gucci Man DROPPED Waka Flocka from his label – when he heard rumors that Waka had SMASHED actress Selena Gomez. And these rumors ain’t coming from just anybody. MediaTakeOut.com got its hands on TWEETS sent from BRICK SQUAD rapper/soldier Lil Skitzz. And according to Lil Skitzz not only did Waka SMASH . . . but he says that Brick SQUAD did a little CHOO CHOO with Justin’s ex.
When Gucci heard these rumors he DROPPED Waka. Since then . . . Gucci has gotten OVER IT THOUGH. In a true MONEY OVER HEAUX move, Gucci has decided to NOT release Waka from his contractual obligations.
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