Rachel Dolezal FORCED To Admit She White


Rachel Dolezal FORCED To Admit She White!!!

Thank you to all the ladies of The Real for an AWESOME show today because the truth was served and Rachel Dolezal FORCED To Admit She White!

Like Tamar Braxton said, we just want Rachel to own her truth and stop claiming that she’s black.

CelebNMusic247.com got the 411 today via TMZ as Rachel Dolezal made a huge confession, and while it shocked absolutely no one, it was still cool to finally hear her say it that she WHITE!

Lawdy, it was like pulling teeth to get Rachel to admit the truth.

The former prez of the NAACP’s Spokane chapter was on “The Real” doing her usual tap dance about “identifying as black” and blah, blah, blah. But we gotta hand it to co-host Jeannie Mai, who just put it to Dolezal straight, telling her … “You’re NOT black.”


BTW, she’s pregnant … and definitely didn’t take kindly to a crack about her baby’s race.

Watch how the ladies of The Real finally get Rachel in a corner and Rachel Dolezal is FORCED To Admit She White:

What do you think?