R. Kelly girlfriends say they wanted them to sleep with the R&B singer.
This is a hard pill to swallow, but this week Gayle King also interviewed R. Kelly’s “girlfriends” Azriel Clary, 21, and Joycelyn Savage, 23.
CelebNMusic247.com reports that Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage sat down with Gayle King about being allegedly held in emotional and sexual captivity by R. Kelly.
R. Kelly’s girlfriends Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage quickly denounced their parents, they also denied being brainwashed. Read on for the tea spill…
Both Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage vociferously defended the musician, claiming that their parents are blackmailing him and just out for money.
Azriel Clary, 21, and Joycelyn Savage, 23, told Gayle King of “CBS This Morning” that they’re “absolutely” in love with Mr. Kelly, 52.
NOTE: Kellz, who also blames the parents, was standing behind them along with his security to listen to their every word.
The NY Times reports:
Both girls seemed unlikely to settle questions about what exactly goes on in the singer’s home. Meanwhile, Kelly’s reputation and career have landed in sh-tville. The woman’s parents say they are brainwashed, and now, much of the world now see Mr. Kelly as an unrelenting sexual predator.
“Surviving R. Kelly” aired a lot of disturbing accusations about Kellz like he has been harboring a so-called sex cult, in which he abused women and controlled every aspect of their lives. Like a Fifty Shades of Grey lifestyle where the women have to ask for permission to eat, drink, sleep, and go to the bathroom. Although, it was also revealed they can leave at any time, but don’t? In addition, the girls are not allowed to speak with family members or friends? Huh?
Kelly has been trailed for decades by accusations of abuse and sex with underage girls, Ms. Clary and Ms. Savage lashed out at their families and said they were happy as Mr. Kelly’s girlfriends.
Azriel Clary, a major part of the “Survivng R. Kelly” opened up about her first introduction to R. Kelly.
Azriel an inspiring singer now just an R. Kelly girlfriend says her parents were behind the meeting at his concert.
Ms. Clary said:
When I first met Robert, my parents told me to lie about my age. He thought that I was 18.
She also said her parents had encouraged her “to take photos with him, sexual videos with him” in case “they ever have to blackmail him.”
Mind you, she denied having sex with Kelly when she was 17 when she met him at a hotel in Florida. In “Surviving R. Kelly” her parents said she snuck off to meet Kellz for an alleged “audition” in a hotel room. They state that is when he slept with her, she was 17 at the time.