Protect Your Children with SocialNetWatcher


(CelebNMusic247-News) Protect Your Children with SocialNetWatcher

With the rise in gun violence in schools and the continual breaking news stories about killings at your child’s school is out of control, but now hopes to stop the crimes and killings before its too late and to keep your teen or child’s safe from bullying and more on Facebook.

Now nothing is 100%, but this new technology, SocialNetWatcher, created by an officer of the law helps to red flag strange activity on Facebook, where most school shooting are announced like a cry for someone to listen and stop them before its too late.

Here is what SocialNetWatcher is claiming:

Protection by Prevention; the mantra of  Not only to protect our kids while at school, but to prevent the tragedy from happening. Social Net Watcher uses a proprietary, social network monitoring software to monitor students on Facebook/Twitter and other social media to determine if the threat bullying, suicide or violence exists. Once identified, Social Net Watcher forwards the information to school officials to thwart the threat and protect our kids.

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