Porsha Williams Gets The Shaft By Kordell
You might wanna say Porsha Williams is less than smart when is comes to her divorce from Kordell Stewart.
The divorce between Porsha Williams and Kordell Stewart is final. Kordell is worth $22 million and they got married with no prenup. CelebNMusic247.com learned that Kordell’s attorney was more than happy to talk about the divorce. Porsha is gett no alomony, no house, no part of NFL retirement money, got no cash, no health insurance, and will now have to pay all thos ecredit card bills she ran up!
She walked with her mercedeese, her personal items and her engagement ring. Porsha is less than smart. Time for her to grow up, becuase she obviously stuck on stupid.
Remember during the last Real Housewives of Atlanta Kordell revealed to Peter Thomas that he was in the clear and that she would get nothing. See Porsha wasn’t the best
Time to send back all those shoes and cloths Porsha, because her Real Housewives of Atlanta paycheck is no where near Kordell money.