NYPD Framing 50 Cent as a “Criminal Mastermind”

NYPD Framing 50 Cent as a "Criminal Mastermind"

The NYPD NEED to STOP the BS and worry about real criminals and NOT made up ones or celebrities they don’ like. Emmanuel Gonzalez is the criminal mastermind, and the NYPD is trying to deflect and flip the story on Curtis Jackson aka 50 Cent.

The news is truly disturbing that the NYPD (fellow Latinos) are trying to make 50 Cent the centerpiece at an NYPD press conference claiming the rap star is part of the problem in New York.

Friends Emmanuel Gonzalez, who are NYPD cops, are trying to paint a picture that 50 Cent is a threat to the people of New York and to law enforcement. Read on for the tea spill on why NYPD cops framing 50 Cent


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#celebnmusic247 reports #50cent just once again at the center of another NYPD press conference as Officer Julio has taken the mic and is now asking NY Commissioner O’Neill to charge #celebnmusic247 #50Cent what the last three murders in New York and for harassing #EmmanuelGonzalez claiming he’s a dirty cop. If you look at the situation you can see right here that the NYPD is showing that they’re supporting a dirty and willing to let a corrupt cop harass @50cent 50Cent after Officer Gonzalez issued a shoot to kill on him. Is this what Americans become too? Are these the people that we have to protect and serve us? Would you feel safe if you were 50 Cent? #thoughts #news #breaking #nypd #ridiculousness #wtfisthis #pressplay #hiphop

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Why are NYPD cops framing 50 Cent? CelebNMusic247.com reports one of the game’s most prominent bully-types, 50 Cent is under fire once again by NYPD who are really trying to make something out of nothing.

The boys in blue have been doubling down on their anti-Curtis-Jackson agenda, alternating between doling out fatal threats and painting him as a criminal mastermind.

When it comes to who is to blame, the finger points to NYPD officer Emmanuel Gonzalez who essentially placed a bounty on 50 Cent‘s head stating, “Shoot On Sight.”

Why, Emmanuel? What was the reason?

That is the question fellow police officers should be asking before they look stupid holding a press conference, but this is what cops do to hide the truth. Regardless of whether the comment was issued flippantly or sincerely, it remains a gross abuse of power in any sense.

Bottom line is the NYPD threat rattled Fif, so he’s been clapping back, raising attention to the escalating situation via Instagram. And now police are trying to claim 50 is the criminal mastermind when its been Emmanuel Gonzalez from the jump.

Today, NYPD cops held a conference Framing 50 Cent as “criminal mastermind” and alleged “threats” against inspector Gonzalez:

Officer Julio states:

I’m asking NY Commissioner O’Neal to charge 50 Cent with aggravated harassment of a police officer. 50 Cent is a threat to law enforcement. 50 should be arrested…50 Cent should go to jail for threatening a law enforcement officer.

Once again, 50 Cent wasted no time to go public with this to show how dirty the NYPD is when they’re trying to protect one of their own, who is in the wrong.

Fiddy says:

Look at this fool, he says let me tell you about the threats 50cent made,” he writes. “Oh shit there’s no threats. Ok well, I’m asking NY Commissioner O’Neal to charge 50cent with the last 3 murders in New York. Emanuel Gonzalez is a dirty Cop.

We hope this doesn’t get any worse for Curtis. NYPD are the ones in the wrong by framing 50 Cent. Why does America continue to attack the black community? This is an oppressive act and it needs to end NYPD.

About the author


Pete is a California native who has been in the entertainment industry for 20+ years. He is a journalist who covers music, festivals, events, interviews, movie premieres, sports, reality TV, and more.