(CelebNMusic247 News) NeNe Leakes Hints to Talk Show
NeNe Leakes thinks her show “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” was a little boring Sunday night without her.
It’s never a good sign when the star of your show can’t be bothered to tune in, Bravo. NeNe wasn’t all that impressed with this week’s episode either, and she repeated her assessment of the show!
NeNe expresses:
“Been bored to tears! Watching Soul Train Awards now so I can get my lie,” NeNe tweeted Sunday night. But among the less-than-stellar reviews were calls for Nene to get her own show, or at least continue her run on “I Dream of NeNe.”
She adds:
Been bored to tears! Watching Soul Train Awards now so I can get my life
— NeNe Leakes (@NeNeLeakes) December 2, 2013
RT @DebG415: WOW @NeNeLeakes these girls tonight are a hot mess. Waiting for more Nene scenes<I know u are! I was bored 2 tears
— NeNe Leakes (@NeNeLeakes) December 2, 2013
She continues to hint and tease:
RT @jewelk: @NeNeLeakes @Craviii100_ Everybody loves @NeNeLeakes Hmm… New show maybe<Keep ur eyes open 4 it
— NeNe Leakes (@NeNeLeakes) December 2, 2013
RT @Riri1fan: When will @NeNeLeakes have her own tv show?! Still waiting! #RHOA<Coming soon????
— NeNe Leakes (@NeNeLeakes) December 2, 2013
If this is a sign of what the series will be like with Leakes then fans may have a snore on their hands according to NeNe.
However, the reality star/celebrity is hinting that she may have a talk show in the works and for fans to keep tuned into Bravo.
Leakes continues to reveal on her Twitter (Dec 1):
RT @chrisglowacki: @NeNeLeakes @MissesA83 I can see a talk show<It’s coming????
— NeNe Leakes (@NeNeLeakes) December 2, 2013
There you have it, from NeNe herself, now we just have to see how it will play out.
We will keep you posted.
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