Kelly Osbourne Apologizes For Wasteful Manicure

(CelebNMusic247) Kelly Osbourne Apologizes For Wasteful Manicure

During the Emmy Awards Kelly Osbourne walked the red carpet with a $250,000 manicure, which contains 267 carats of black diamonds.

The manicure was a thick looking black polish created by renowned jeweler Azature.

Kelly’s took to her Twitter [Wednesday] to apologize for her fashion faux pas, saying:

“I see that my nail polish has offended some of you, however I see your point, but it was a once in a lifetime experience.”

Then she added:

“And please forgive me for not regretting it.”

 “It made me feel like a queen!”

Kelly Osbourne also wanted to point out that the manicure came at no cost to her.

“I was just lucky enough to be the one that got picked to wear it.”

Would any of you spend that much on a manicure?

What did you think of Kelly’s pricey manicure?

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