(CelebNMusic247-News) Justin Bieber Questionable Behavior Continues with Cartoon (#JustinBieberXRated #JustinBeliebler)
Justin Bieber must be feeling himself a bit too much these days because the teenage boy decided to post a cartoon of himself (April 16) in bed with a shirtless fan.
Lets be real Biebs this is not a good look and could cause parental backlash if you don’t watch your step.
The photo which can be found on his Instagram with no comment, so it’s not immediately clear if this is an artist’s rendering of him with Anne Frank or what.
Here is whats already being discussed about Justin Bieber‘s controversial photo:
Maybe the girl is a metaphor for his monkey. (We may be reading too much into this.)
But considering the average Belieber is around 12 or so, the drawing has certainly raised some eyebrows.
It is in line with the rest of his Instagram offerings, though. On April 15 he posted not one, but twounnecessary shirtless photos on the site.
Here’s hoping this doesn’t lead to some type of erotic Justin Bieber animated series.
Doesn’t it seem Justin is trying hard to make some controversy about himself to catapult his career higher?
Are you a Beliebler?
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