Harry Styles Embraces Haters With Words For Paparazzi

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(CelebNMusic247-NewsHarry Styles Embraces Haters With Words For Paparazzi

Now you may NOT like One Direction, but Harry Styles obviously is able to laugh off the haters revealing one of the signs the band received at a concert.

Obviously One Direction’s Harry Styles is able to dust off the h8ter’s and find a new meaning for the poster.  In fact, the sign may have another meaning.

It’s reported that this poster was actually meant for the paparazzi and their endless pursuit of the guys. Now we can definitely see why Harry held onto this sign. We could totally picture him wearing it like a sandwich board as he’s going about his daily business — it’s paparazzi repellent!

Harry Styles posted this photo along with this comment on his Instagram:

“Possibly the best sign at a show ever.”

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