Former Gossip Girl Actress Bankrupt

Gossip Girl Actress Bankrupt-623-1

(CelebNMusic247-NewsGossip Girl Actress Bankrupt

Despite her Gossip Girl gig actress Kelly Rutherford has been forced to file bankruptcy after a brutal divorce and child custody battle that drained her fortune.

Kelly Rutherford  has reportedly already spent $1.5 million on legal matters with her ex-husband, Daniel Giersch. And while she’s asking a judge to make him pay her costs, she’s filing for Chapter 7 [Title 11 United States Code]  bankruptcy in the meantime.

She now only has assets adding up to $23,937 while her debt is around $2,021,832.

And to make finances harder, her children have primarily been living in Monaco with their father, which has also taken a big chunk of loot out of her pocket books.

Guess its time to go back to work?

We hope things can work out for Kelly and Daniel for the children’s sake…