First Look at X Men: Apocalypse Poster

First Look at X Men: Apocalypse Poster!!!

Marvel made a big splash at the 2015 Comic-Con in San Diego with Director Brian Singer and the cast of X Men and a First Look at X Men: Apocalypse Poster.

Production is currently underway on X-Men: Apocalypse with Singer once again at the helm, this time around the film is 10 years after DOFP and the movie is set in 1983. This time around we are introduced to young versions of other iconic mutants like Cyclops (Tye Sheridan) and Jean Grey (Sophie Turner).

The entire cast, plus Singer and writer/producer Simon Kinberg, took the Hall H stage at Comic-Con today to show off the first footage (featuring a look at Apocalypse in full costume) and tease where we find the characters after the dramatic events of Days of Future Past.

Singer posted this caption with the photo:

“Some of my favorite mutants earlier today. #XMen #SingerSDCC”

First Look at X Men-Apocalypse Poster-0713-2 has this update on Marvel’s upcoming X Men: Apocalypse movie via Collider:

Director Bryan Singer gave Comic-Con fans their exclusive first look at the movie, but he stressed that the footage only reflected 5 weeks of shooting with no effects, but it looked fantastic.

Here are a few details about the sneak peek trailer:

It opened with Turner’s Jean Grey having a vision of “the end of the world,” with McAvoy calming her at her bedside, very much evoking her mentor. Now that mutants are accepted, Rose Byrne’s Moira MacTaggert explains that some people have come to worship mutants as gods, which is where Apocalypse comes in. Oscar Isaac’s titular character is, of course, the main villain, and the footage revealed him in heavy blue prosthetic makeup with a hood and some sort of prosthetic around his head. We see that he’s assembled a following of mutants, a posse that includes the young Storm, Jubilee, Angel, Olivia Munn’s Psylocke and Magneto. The question there is, which four are the horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Tonally the film seems to be in line with Days of Future Past, but the most exciting aspect of the film is that it reveals an entirely new and different world than we’ve seen in any other X-Men movie. The alliances and allegiances we’ve come to expect don’t necessarily line up the same way, and Apocalypse throws a serious wrench into things as he forces the X-Men—both young and old—to choose sides.


One of the most striking images we saw was Magneto flanked by Apocalypse, Psylocke and Storm, pulling Xavier by his chair in Xavier’s iconic hallway. Raven—who was at Xavier’s side—yells at Magnet to stop, and it then looks like she may be stepping into a leadership role in Xavier’s absence, as we subsequently saw her taking point in the Blackbird with Beast at the helm. The final frame of the footage was a bald McAvoy in the wheelchair, striking a pose that evoked Stewart/Professor X perfectly. Apocalypse seems like a culmination of something big, and I’m incredibly curious to see how the arcs of Raven, Xavier, and Erik progress. Given the new timeline, all bets are off.

First Look at X Men-Apocalypse Poster-0713-3

Singer posted this tweet to show fans what’s to come in the next couple years from Wolverine to Gambit.

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