50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather Bromance Over?

(CelebNMusic247) 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather Bromance Over?

Could it be trouble in paradise for the boxer and the Hip Hop mogul? Sounds like Lady and The Tramp almost or more like the Beatles, what I mean is a woman got in the way of brotherly love friendship.

Rumor has is that 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather friendship may be ending and part of the reason is Floyd doesn’t like 50 Cent’s fiance Shantel Jackson.

Footage surfaced of Mayweather trying to pull Jackson away from Fiddy during a premiere.

According to Bossip, 50 and Shantel started seeing each other during Floyd’s incarceration. The two friends have NOT been seen at the aforementioned premiere.

By the looks of the video – the RUMOR is FALSE!

Could this be true?

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